
Rachel Hunter Rachel Hunter

Dreaming with Eyes Open: The Wisdom and Power of Tarotpy

It is long known that dreams open a window into your deepest Self, offering important information and inspiration to fulfill your unique purpose in life. Tarotpy allows you to access that same wisdom and healing capacity of the dreaming mind with eyes wide open. In this blog, I share a case study that illuminates the “aha moment” that come through Tarotpy practice.

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Lauren Schneider Lauren Schneider

Darkening of the Light

In these dark days after the 2024 election, I offer some wisdom of how to navigate during times of shock.

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Lauren Schneider Lauren Schneider

Big Dreams Part II: The Red Pill

Part II is a continuation of my Big Dream essays and discusses the timeliness of my dreams. We are in such a time now when great polarities threaten to tear the United States and the world apart. However, crisis and chaos are indicative of profound transformation. 

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Lauren Schneider Lauren Schneider

Big Dreams Part I: Personal Is Political

Starting in 2012, I have had a series of “Big Dreams” that have been prescient of the socio-political-ecological events unfolding in our country and abroad. Though these dreams appear to be quite dark, there is a light at the end of the tunnel we are in. Given the timeliness of the upcoming elections in the United States and events in the world, I feel compelled to post these dreams this week as a five-part series.

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Lauren Schneider Lauren Schneider

Awakening the Inner Healer: Using Tarot Imagery for Transformation

My innovative practice of Tarotpy® (tarot therapy) incorporates similar principles as hypnotherapy and produces comparable benefits.  I use tarot therapy to stimulate imagination that may be otherwise blocked, for example, with individuals who do not remember dreams or whose doorway into their unconscious appears to be locked, often due to depression or trauma. This method of working with imagery has great regenerative power. As the image comes alive with a sense of meaning, it vivifies the client’s unconscious and brings nuanced colors out from a darkened state of mind. 

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