“Psyche and matter exist in one and the same world, and each partakes of the other.”
– Carl Jung
I Ching: The Ancient Wisdom of Synchronicity
The I Ching dates back to Ancient China as a method of connecting to greater knowledge. Whether tossing turtle shells or grain stalks as the ancients did, or casting marbles, stick or coins today, throwing the I Ching presents us with a way of thinking that separates us from the noise and clutter of daily life, providing us with clarity and insight.
This way of thinking differs from the Western notion of cause-and-effect and awakens us to the Eastern concept of synchronicity–seemingly chance occurrences that actually embody intelligent pattern and meaning.
When we don’t dream, using symbolic tools like Tarot and I Ching provides a pathway to the unconscious for emotional growth and problem-solving.
So how do we approach the I Ching for guidance and wisdom?
Like the Tarot, the I Ching helps us enter into the contemplation of pure moment. Meditating on a question or problem and tossing the coins, guides us into a trance-like state where we are able to focus more completely. We invite the principle of synchronicity to provide symbolic connections and meaningful relationships as the answers to our questions emerge.
As with dreams and Tarot, we must also learn to symbolically interpret the words as they describe our internal or external situation. For instance, when the I Ching states that “one must go to see the Great Man”, we may consider if there is a teacher or therapist we may need to consult, or that we are being instructed to turn inside to our Greater Self. It is helpful to be open to the inner wisdom of interpretation when consulting the I Ching.