What is Tarotpy?
“Divination is not mere fortune-telling or superstition. Rather it is an exceedingly subtle psychological technique whereby the secrets of the unconscious can be discovered, its powers (extrasensory and others) can be made accessible, and guidance for our confused and disordered lives can be obtained.”
- Stephan Hoeller
Gain Insight:
Tarotpy discards traditional archetypal interpretations of the cards, instead deriving meaning from the client's chosen layout, for greater personal value and significance.
What is Tarotpy?
Tarotpy is Lauren Z. Schneider's unique, pioneering method of using the symbolic language of tarot, dream, soul and other image cards to literally "lay the unconscious on the table."
Like a "waking dream," Tarotpy works as an interactive process to go beyond the “aha” of traditional therapies and provide an “awe” inspiring experience, awakening greater awareness and choices.
"M" randomly selected a tarot deck, then chose a card to represent her central conflict. It turned out to be a "moon" card, which is common in every deck. But, this card was different; instead of being flanked by castles, the moon was flanked by wine bottles. When I asked, "Is there a drinking problem in your family," she dissolved in tears. Her husband had died of alcoholism and her two sons were both alcoholics. Already, we were confronting a problem she had spent years avoiding.
Tarotpy is not a new age concept or fad. It's a dynamic method of allowing you to shift your consciousness, often as easily as shifting cards on the table. Tarotpy enhances dream work by allowing you to tap into a specific night dream or to stimulate imagination and insight that may be otherwise blocked, for instance, if you do not remember your dreams.
“You begin to get the sense from the synchronistic occurrences that your life is being shaped by forces of destiny. There are fields in the outer world that shape phenomenon. What shapes life are these archetypes. Like dream images, these fields are electromagnetic. This is not a subjective experience. There is a confluence between matter and psyche.”
— Michael Conforti
Arrange the Cards, Rearrange Your Life
While the contemplation of images leads to insight, interacting with the cards can also produce change.
By actively rearranging cards, you can recognize and alter unconscious patterns and achieve conscious choice.
Having difficulties with her mother-in law, Julie selected the number of cards she needed and laid them in a circle with one in the center, representing her mother-in-law. When I wondered why her mother-in-law was the center of her life, Julie looked stupefied, saying, "I could move her?” She moved the center card to the outer circle and intuitively observed that something was out of balance. She replaced the central card and renamed this new card, "Me." What seemed a slight readjustment was a significant revelation for Julie. Thereafter, she was in charge when her mother-in-law visited.
New Insights
Tarotpy bridges the depth of transpersonal psychology with the effectiveness of short-term therapy. The effect can be profound and immediate, reducing what may take six months or even years of treatment to only a few sessions.
Sarah randomly selected two cards: the “Chariot,” which in this deck was illustrated as an oversized helmeted head looming over a race car. She assigned this position to represent “health.” The other card, which she designated to represent “guidance," was the “Death" card. The imagery--a head that seemed disconnected from the body, and the issue of “death” prompted Sarah to more deeply explore buried concerns about serious health issues and mortality. A combination of Dream work and Tarotpy® motivated Sarah to take charge of her situation. Months later, after a change in physicians and medication, her health improved significantly.
Profound Results
Our conscious minds often wall off wounds and block the pathways to healing. Tarotpy opens a door to inner wisdom, beyond the boundaries and limits of our perceptions, for greater guidance, problem-solving and growth.
Tarotpy Can:
Help unlock resistance
Reveal inner truth
Uncover even deeply fixed patterns
Provide a visual road map for change